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While walking through woods near my house, I came across a single bone, I thought it was interesting, but not much else. A few moments later I saw a dozen more bones left behind from a deer. Seeing the entirety of a deer skeleton changed my perspective of what I had come across entirely; from a single bone that I glanced past, to a skeleton of an animal that was once alive. I decided to gather up the bones and photograph them in a studio setting similar to Irving Penn in a way to document the deer as a whole, rather than singular bones. For this reason, I want all 20 photographs displayed and viewed together.
I also chose to make all 20 frames myself and float mount contact prints on foamboard. 
During the making of this I lost my grandmother to cancer; her funeral was shortly after. This caused me to view the photographs pared with frames differently. They represent the memories left behind by the deer; framing these photographs is a way to memorialize the bones. 

4x5 silver gelatin contact print
Mounted on matboard, floating using foamboard
White oak frame measuring 9 x 10 inches


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